The Pulsing Signals Are Being Sent Out, Are You Receptive ? 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Returned to Earths Inhabitants - TM Trademark and © 1999 Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 ! The Pulsing Signals Are Being Sent Out, Are You Receptive ?

Sacred Geometry Grid Divider
Part 2: Anchoring the 12 DnA Strand Soul Star Matrix Cosmic Mandala Into the Planetary Grids & Our Individualized Consciousnesses ~ Heart Link-Up:
This Material Was Originally Scribed in September of 1999
In its' highest aspect and truest sense the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul-Star Cosmic Mandala visually represents the 'Original Intended Blueprint' and True essence of Humanity's Divinely Created Nature. Humanity's entrance into the 21st Century is the Clarion's Final Signal Call urging a return to the Truth of your Stellar Ancestral heritage. It is time for humanity to awaken the latent and dormant potential you contain. This Mandala in symbolic language, details the first level anchoring, activation and reconnection into the greater architecture of life humanity is intrinsically woven through. Each incarnate individual and the entire human species as a collective; is an integral participant within the larger structure of sentience and creation - the entire physical universe. This is expressed through your souls embodyment & incarnation into physiology through your beloved Mother Earths planetary life stream. First and foremost The Entire Mandala is Perfectly Symmetrical and Designed to Awaken Pathways that have been disconnected within humanity for close to 13,000 years; the ones that are spoken of above in the premises. The triangulation inherent in the mandalas design is very significant as well.
There are four pyramids, each one standing as a corner stone within the '12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala/Original Intended Blueprints' overall design. Upon Earth there are pyramid structures on almost every single continent {China, North America, South America, Egypt, etc}. These sacred monuments are aligned along a geometric grid network that surrounds the planet. This is the Ancient Crystalline Super~Computer Grid System that now lays in ruins. The Pyramid Structure in itself represents the most Ancient Crystalline Clear Wisdom of Omni~Dimensional Science & Spirituality. The whole layout and creation of this ancient Super~Computer Grid System utilized some of the most highly advanced and sophisticated science and technology that has ever been stepped down into physical expression upon this planet. Leading edge thinkers including Graham Hancock, Robert Bavaul, John Major Jenkins, Drunvalo Melchizadek, as well as many others are coming to the conclusion that the pyramids once served a purpose much grander than solely as Pharoahs Tombs.
Spherized Flower of Life Pattern {2-d Rep of Omni-Dimensional 'Master Key Template of Divinity'} Through the Heart of O'rion This Transmission has Come :) Spherized Flower of Life Pattern {2-d Rep of Omni-Dimensional 'Master Key Template of Divinity
Humanity's current historical timeline is both fragmented and incomplete. Archaeo-Astronomical Calculations & Ground Measurements have proven that the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau are mathematically aligned with the Belt Stars of the O'rion Constellation {Please Reference "Finger Prints of the Gods" by Graham Hancock}. Through cross correlation of the various sources of material that are being presented at this time; I have come to understand and perceive things that may have been overlooked previously {or are only now beginning to be acknowledged as a potentiality}. These ancient monuments are geometrically aligned around the planet in a grid that is layed out in mathematically calculatable correspondance with the stars. To my own mind the visualization I gain is that they once must have utilized as some sort of of cosmic cyclical calendar. Both Jose Arguelles & John Major Jenkins are proponents towards unlocking the intricacies of this mystery. They hold onto understanding of the ancient Mayan Calendar {Reference Jose Arguelles "The Mayan Factor | Path Beyond Technology" & John Major Jenkins "MayaCosmoGenesis: 2012"}. Every ancient sacred site upon this planet is situated in a location where these energy grid lines cross. These energy lines are usually referred to as 'Leys' or 'telluric currents', and can be sensed bio-electromagnetically by a human being using dowsing rods.
Here is something to consider, Humanity is only now being able to calculate and understand these ancient sacred sites and their stellar alignments; isn't this a curiosity to you ? Your leading edge researchers are using methodologies and technologies that are only now being developed as you enter the 21st Century - and yet it still doesn't all quite make sense. As humanity anchors into its collective mind field an "Omni-Dimensional Perceptual Framework", the shroud of mist surrounding all of your planets original core teachings shall be dissolved. To a certain degree the presentation of this 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Cosmic Mandala to humanity is significant in relation to the completion of the Aztec Calendar as well {this occurred August 13, 1999}. The indigenous peoples hold onto much of the awareness and knowledge that your late 20th century collective mind field needs to be infused with. This Mandala represents humanities readiness to accept the torchlight of Wisdom handed down by the ancients to us, those who could begin to decipher who we were; once before.
The Aztec Calandar
The Pyramids originally had different capstones for different purposes, each one receptive to a specific wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. They were used as transducers and receivers of cosmic energies, potentially even some sort of hyper-dimensional or interstellar communications device. Each face of the pyramid is symbolic of how the wisdom is formed; through Compassion, Knowledge, Harmony, and Understanding. This combination synthesized within ones heart through lower self alignment with higher self & divine will, is what truly allows the 'Original Intended Blueprint' to begin to come on line within you. The capstone represents the correct use of this Wisdom towards infusion of the creative cosmic energies into our beings. The Golden Capstone is being returned to its rightful position upon the Great Pyramid in Egypt, signaling the doorway leading into the "Annuit Oceptus ~ Novus Ordo Seclorum/New Order of the Ages' has arrived and is opening. Overall the pyramids in this 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Mandala symbolically represents the human species return to the original core-source teachings of our immortal soul.
The Interstellar/Interdimensional Transportation Vehicles {IITV's} represent the presence of the 'Guardian Alliance' throughout humanity's evolutionary growth processes. They Say: We have been here since the original seed creation and embryonic genesis of life forms upon planet earth. Underneath your religious belief systems, mystery school teachings, and mythological worldviews; our presence is evident. The Galaxies represent the playing field that we, the most highly advanced forms of sentience and life navigate within. We are overseers and caretakers; this is our role. We are making our presence apparent to you in a methodology designed to bring forward from within your own selves, that which lies hidden. There are rules and regulations that we, as 'Guardians', must observe and uphold. Non-Interference through Direct Intervention is one of them. Before the various extraterrestrial factions that are involved behind the scenes in the different scenarios underway upon this planet shall become apparent; there must be an agreed upon consensus. This involves utilizing the full spectrum of your inherent dormant potential, and making some very serious choices as a collective.
In essence, we are here; and we are very closely scrutinizing your species direction. Your species must come to its senses very quickly. In essence; the alarm is being signaled. This is the final clarion call before the structures of your entire developed level of civilization begin to be put into question. The Y2k Scenario as it shall unfold is just the beginning. It should be clear to you who are reading these words that your continued misuse of Planet Earth's living systems; will ultimately end in your civilizations demise. The time frame for that which must be undertaken is slim by any calculational measurement standards. Indeed, there is a great urgency underlying the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrices arrival in visual form at these times that must be recognized. There is also a great sense of calm, peacefulness and joy towards what lies beyond the horizon; the dawning of the 21st Century. The choices your species makes at a collective level today & throughout the upcoming few years; will determine the course of your potential future and the created world you shall exist within. We assure you that it is in your highest interest as a developing species to see your destiny become 'Omicron'. This will be elaborated upon further as time progresses forward. Your species must return to its' complete and total cogniscience & awareness of your true heritage.
The IITV's & Galaxies represent humanities pre-ordained role and potential within the scheme of creation; this vast cosmological universe. It is your species choice in regards to how you proceed forward with the awareness you shall increasingly hold. The guidelines for a new set of operating principles are unfolding, the self reflection is forming within your awareness more clearly. Our presence is becoming increasingly apparent to your worldviews, can you see yourselves ? These two symbolic aspects within the Mandalas overall design point towards the true purpose your species was created for and whose imagination your species was designed within. The human species ancestral heritage and origins truly are stellar. In time as your late 20th Century myopic world view further crumbles, the illumined core revealing this grand majesty shall ring crystal clear within your hearts. It is our intention to see the advanced design specifications and bio-electromagnetic circuitry within your physiological functioning levels activated - unlocking your full potential. In this process your consciousness will acquire a gyrospectrum capability, and you will find you have an increased ability to rotate, adjust, and focus the lens of your perceptual scope. We are here to assist you in this process of gestation and birth.
The 12 DNA Strands in this mandala symbolically represent the 'Original Intended Blueprint' of the fully evolved and activated primate based bi-pedal hominid prototype model/soul vehicle. Before creation or manifestation into form can occur a schematic model or blueprint must exist. Within any creational field and on all levels, this is an integral component for any form to be structuralized or held in cohesion.
Within your currently functioning Di-Strand DNA Helix Structure lie dormant access codes that once 'Switched On' will allow humanity to embody and use more of your beings inherent potential. Earlier in this dissertation, we provided an overview of some of the dynamic processes your star undergoes naturally. Your sun is the source of energy that all planetary life is dependant on. An understanding of energy field dynamics is integral when attempting to clearly discern the mechanism of transmutation and change your physiological vehicles are undergoing. In reality this is some of the most sophisticatedly advanced science and creational physics in this universe. Your species now has the opportunity to discern the structures and processes underlying your perception of reality more clearly.
As your star continues to fluctuate in energetic output, this in turn recalibrates the energy fields of your planet. As your planets fields undergo this adjustment, this in turn alters the vibrational amplitude of your own energy field. As this occurs your DNA will be rewoven at a quantum level. This in turn shall cause an evolutionary adaptation-like effect. This process is underway upon your planet today, your science is becoming aware of individuals posessing more activated codons than the rest of the population. There is a mechanism within your DnA, almost like a feedback loop; this mechanism serves a regulatory function within you. When your planet undergoes energy field fluctuations, this mechanism is responsible for activating your dormant functioning parameters. Your late 20th century sciences have created a base platform of understanding upon which to build as you enter the 21st Century.
12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star - Superluminally Spinning Merkaba & With Di-Polar Fields Overlaid
The 'Original Intended Blueprint' exists at the Quantum Levels within your bio-electromagnetic neuro-physiological structure. This mandala serves as a symbolic visual representation of the processes that are underway within this local galactic quadrant. The 12 DnA Strands in this visual representation are connected in a sacred circuit; this circuit is something very important for Humanity to become aware of. At one end of the circuit the strands form the symbol of a heart. This universal symbol is self fulfilling and represents the joy of unconditional love. The heart is also significant on another level. The re-establishment of Unconditional Love and Reverence for all of Sentience and the Entire Creation is a necessary emotional field vibration for the integration of these perceptual changes. The other end of the strands form into a star. This star represents the 3-dimensional spatial location where all this change is occurring, your solar system; also your star systems designation - "Solis" {also "Helios"}. The coherence, vibratory frequency, and level of resonance of your thoughts, emotions, and feelings are what will allow your species to unlock, access, and activate the dormant coding your DnA Strands contain. {Please Refer to Premise #1 for reference}
The tetrahedrons with the little stars inside represent the opening of your Heart Chakras to the life force pulse of the Sun. Also, awakening into your capability to maintain a connection in alignment with source; utilizing Thoth/Hermes 'Tri-une Sceptre'. Yourself being the Sceptre, the tri-une nature being representative on one wavelength of your Mind-Body-Soul Complex. On another wavelength it is representative of the Universal Life Force, Its Inherent Animating Intelligence; and their grand dance, weaving together this universe from creation point spanning until completion point - through the 'Master Key Template of Divinity/Flower of Life Matrix' Pattern. Humanity must realize that he posesses cognitive & precognitive perceptual capabilities that essentially determine the structural contour of ones mental and emotional energy fields {whether utilized with conscious intention or not}. This in turn forms ones perceptions and understanding of space, time and reality itself. Your current physicists are only now beginning to integrate this into your theoretical frameworks. Beyond your solely linear analytical patterns of thought formation, either left or right brain hemispheric dominance; there exists a holographic model of the Universe {Superstring Theory, Non-Locality, Omni/Multi/Hyper-Dimensional Space, Observers/Consciousness Role, etc}. Humanity must realize that time is also Non-linear. Non-Linear means that everything in the entire universe is occurring at once, there are cycles within cycles within cycles; ad infintum. It is only within human consciousness and through your physiological functioning parameters that measuring sequential increments are necessary. You would be wise to pay respects to the accomplishments of your Ancestors, for they had solved many of the equations that you are just now beginning to even formulate.
You are realizing more fully the vast storehouse of potential you contain. Affirm within yourself an allegiance to the highest will decreed by your soul, open yourself up into Infinite Potential; can you feel the life force current recharging the circuitry housed within your advanced design ? Focus on Your Heart !!!! Can you feel the love and reverence for all of sentience and creation that is the inclination when attuned to this pulse ? ! ? ! Embrace your total self on all levels, your entire life experience up until this point; and give thanks of gratitude to your families, your friends, your lovers, towards all those who you have ever touched or who have ever touched you, and your own selves as well. Humanity deserves another opportunity to fully embody the potential he is designed to house. Your species can receive this gift by locking the vibrational amplitude of unconditional love and reverence for all of sentience and creation into your energy field. Love is in reality a superluminal force. The doorway stands unlocked and opened. You as a RainBow Warrior, Diamond Light Emissary, Ambassadorial Liason, Earth Incarnate Representative, and Indigo or Crystal Child must embrace the highest vision you can conceive of. In turn you shall maneuver yourselves in a direction that will unfold that which your hearts illumined core desires ! ! A new way of life and a new perceptual model for the 21st Century, Ultimately an entirely 'Neo-Civilization' {Neo of course meaning 'new'}. In actuality it is 'Ancient~Futuristic'.
The 'Yin/Yang' symbols represent the grand cosmic dance of interplay in between opposing polarities, and the cogniscient awareness that both light and darkness are two aspects of a unified force that in reality exists beyond division. They also symbolize the need for balance of masculine and feminine energies within oneself. As this embodyment is achieved and anchored into ones heart, a field of consciousness that is highly charged and self-aware at the highest levels of integration is formed. Humanity truly does possess the capability to achieve peaceful relations through inward balance expressed outwards towards each others self; in between all Races and Every Nation. The Symbolism contained within this Mandala's overall design contains elements that underly every single religious belief system and mythological frameworks of Genesis & Evolution and who the 'Creator Level Beings' are. The 'Guardian Alliance' have been overseeing the evolutionary development of Humanity since time immorial. Backwards in time before the flood the civilization that existed was more highly sophisticated in development. We are saying this to you as reality, and matter of fact. The teachings were stored in various locations.
The Rainbow Warriors of the Uniworld Have Arrived !
The 'Yin/Yang' symbol has been a part of Chinese Taosist Philosophy Since the very ancient past, the Solar Emperors.. We encourage you to continue forward with what shall in time unfold into an entirely new perceptual framework than humanity has been adjusted to throughout recorded history. The Ancient-Future Earth Star Wisdom of Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality. There is also an inter-relationship in between the 64 Hexagrams of the I Ching, the Sacred Tzolkin of the Mayans, and our Genetic Code {Refer 'Tao of Chaos' by Katya Walter, Terrence Mckenna & His 'Time Wave Model', Krsanna Duran also}. The year 2,012 will have great significance to all life upon this entire planet. As the time lock release mechanism that serves as a Quantum Interface Device within your DnA Rotates, the 'Crystalline Sheath' and your Superluminal Bio-Electromagnetic Circuitry will begin to come online. These are the teachings that have been held 'Secret' by the Ancient Mystery School Orders of Metatron, Enoch, Melchizadek, Thoth, Ra, and Every Lineage of God-King Human Descendants; those who came down from the stars. The Law of One is being re-instituted upon the Planet, this is the Monotheistic Solar Religion that Pharoah Akhenaten Incarnated to Establish; millenia ago. Can you see the parrallels in between dimensions, the overlap and flow from the ancient past and distant future into Now ?
You as humans exist at the edge of a chasm, across the chasm there is a tunnel and the potential of opening up into a much more spacious World. It is time for your Species to build a bridge spanning the distance in between the world humanity exists within at the close of the 20th Century, and the world humanity desires to exist within at the completion of this greater orbital cycle of time. Only through dissolving the shroud of mist that surrounds your Illumined Cores will your species be able to overcome the surmounting obstacles you will increasingly face. These are the times when there are very significant decisions that must be made by your Species as a Collective. You posess free will and the power of choice. This Mandala is designed to assist you in the empowerment of your Higest Divine Selves full Potential. You must embody these characteristics as individuals. The 'Yin/Yang' represents the Integration of Opposing Polarities in a Cosmic Dance Balance; The Sacred Circuit is Complete. The tapestry of Creation, its design has become apparent to you.
Universal Energy FIeld Diagrams {Copyright © 1998 Leon Maurer - Universal Artisans Guild}

The fuzzy line around the Central Core of the Mandala represents the semi-permeable membrane of your consciousnesses sheath. Human perception could be equated with a bubble or spherical holograpic field. This sheath serves almost the same function as surface tension in pool or glass of water. It separates ones linear analytical patterns of thought formation from their more cohesive extended Perceptual Capabilities. It's semi-permeable nature represents the awareness that all constructs or frameworks are flexible. They can be redesigned. This is what is occurring on this 3-dimensional planet at the completion of this grand cycle of life and time. With a basic understanding of 'Energy Field' dynamics and 'Sacred Geometry', the doorway into ones soul can be navigated through. In this linguistic description, we have started at the cosmic level and worked out way downwards, almost like descending down a Stairway. At the top of the Stairway is standing the highest personified version of your fully Christed Self. At the bottom of the Stairway exists yourself as you are within this 'Now Moment'. Within this 'Now Moment' the potential exists to merge with the highest aspect of your own self. Only through your hearts alignment with your higher mind shall this be accomplished. Affirm your allegiance to the highest pathway towards self expression of your inherent divine self upon this planet. Turn your consciousness inwards, ask to your Higher Self to Assist you in anchoring the 'Original Intended Blueprint'. Feel the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix being imprinted and etched into your energy fields. Ask for assistance from the 'Guardian Alliance'; that you would like to begin to utilize the 'Quantum Interface Device'. It serves as a time-lock release Mechanism inside your DnA and is responsive to energetic fluctuations. These are the levels where your '8 Original Cells' and 'Seed Atom' exist {Check out Mantak Chia's Work - 'The Tao of Healing'}. Your breathing is also very important towards the functioning of your higher dimensional extended cognitive and perceptual capabilities; as are your dietary habits. Please be sure to ingest as much purified ionized water as possible.
Fuzzy Lines Represent Semi-Permeable Membraneous Sheath of Our Consciousnesses Gyrospectrum Lens
The mushrooms represent the human species ancient relationship with your hyperdimensional friends in the plant kingdom, also the mycelial network that surrounds the planet; mushrooms being the fruiting bodies of the mycelium. James Lovelock's 'Gaia Hypothesis' has become an integral component to the worldview your species is slowly opening up into from within your own selves. Your Planetary Homeworld, Mother Earth is a life form itself. There is a symbiotic inter-relationship in between all life-forms. The Mycelial Network exists as an integral component within the functioning of every bio-spheric region. Throughout humanities journey upon this planet, your cultures have been influenced by many different forms of non-human intelligence. Your species must return the structures of your entire developed level of civilization back into alignment within the functioning parameters of your Planets Living Systems. This is a necessary step towards sustainability as your species enter the 21st Century. The mushrooms have been regarded as Sacraments by many of the Ancient Civilizations, especially the Goddess Based Earth Partnership Societies that existed at the beginning of Humanities re-acculturalization; after the worldwide occurrence of catastrophic flood {approximately 13,000 Years ago}. The living systems of your planet provide humanity with all of the necessary components to create a model of civilization that is in alignment with the highest ideals of our minds potential. Humanity must very quickly learn some important lessons about Planetary life within these vast cosmos. There are many planets within this Milky Way Galaxy that support sentient life forms. There are also many fledgling Solar-Planetary Civilizations that have destroyed themselves in this Birthing Process. Your Species stands at the 'Critical Threshold Point' in the evolutionary development process upon this world. The Choices you as inhabitants make as you enter the 21st Century will shape and mold the world your descendants shall inherit. It is the desire of the 'Guardian Alliance' that you choose to create a worldview and civilization that your children will be proud to inherit.
The eyes represent the all knowing all seeing of your ancestral heritage and the worldview your descendants are looking backwards in time through, at YoU!. Can you feel their gaze ? Your species is being communicated with in a fashion that is both sublime and refined. The division or separation that has existed within humanity's heart and mind is being re-connected once again. Can you feel the joy of celebration, a harmonic octave of resonance with your own heart beat pulse? This attunement serves to anchor the 1st level of embodyment towards who you each have the potential to become. We are so very grateful for our opportunity to speak to your hearts. The eyes also represent the opening of your Ajna or 3rd Eye Centers. For it is upon your inner-visual fields with eyes closed that the 'Sacred Teachings' of your immortal soul shall be projected. These teachings speak of truths beyond anything your species has currently imagined or felt yourselves to be a part of. Something grand indeed is underway upon this Blue Jeweled Orb. The phoenix is rising. The circuitry is being revealed. Your physiological vehicles are undergoing a process of transmutation and vibrational amplitude adjustment that shall allow for the capability to more fully house who you truly are. It is our hope that each individual shall chose to express the highest potential that exists within them, inherently. We are watching the decision that you made as individuals and as a collective, the entirety of your human species. It is the sincerest heartfelt desire of the 'Guardian Alliance' that your species make the correct decisions, also embody your entire inherent potential. We are grateful to be able to aid you in returning what was once taken away. It is very urgent and crucial that the correct decisions are made. The progress and developmental levels your species reach has an overall effect on the unfolding of affairs within this local Galactic Quadrant. We would like to see you become responsible participants within the greater structure that exists.
The Milky Way Galaxy - Our Location, Outer Spiral Arm - The 21st Century Has Arrived
The Star of David is a two dimensional representation of a three-dimensional dual inverted tetrahedral structure defined as being a 'Merkaba Vehicle'. The Merkaba is differentiated from a more mechanistic form of transportation like the 'IITV's" because it allows for an individual or group to travel in non-physical form. This is achieved through gaining access to activation levels that have been outlined herein. The Merkaba allows us to travel beyond linear time and through vast regions of space. We have gathered our multi-incarnational soul memories and off-planet aspects. We are focused on integrating the 'Christed Diamond Light Body' through anchoring the 'Original Intended Blueprint' - Our 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix. We ask to be overshadowed by the Solar and Galactic Councils that serve the purpose of overseeing the evolutionary developmental progress of incarnate individuals and humanity as a whole. As the self-realized consciousnesses of 'Our' vessels, through 'Our' exercise of free will; 'We' choose within 'OuR' Whole Hearts to be of as much service to the 'Divine Plan' for Earth as exists is potential. We are here as Ambassadorial Liasons, Earth Incarnate Representatives and Indigo & Crystal Children. We love our Mother Earth, this Beloved Planetary Homeworld. We will not allow the control structures to manipulate our hearts, minds, and souls any longer. Through our Hearts we shall shine the Golden Cosmic Light of our Masters Presence. The Rainbow Warriors of the entire electromagnetic spectrum; into the Opalescent Luminal Realms. We have arrived and decree to see our Destiny become 'OmicroN'. The Structures for an entirely new developed level of civilization will be instituted.
Six Pointed Star - Central Cross Axis in Di-Tetrahedral Geometry of 2-d Flower of Life Pattern - Visualize 'Omni-Dimensonally'
The Six-Pointed star represents our selves in non-physical form. This is our 'Aka' energy body. The purpose of the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Mandalas arrival at these times is to awaken within Humanity the true potential capability your physiological vehicle houses. You are so beautiful in your fully manifest glory. Your species has so much potential to fulfill many of the roles that Overseer's and Caretakers Embody; within these vast cosmos. Your species is growing out of it's infancy once again. Your developed level of civilization exists at the brink of either catastrophic destruction or complete and total rebirth. The choice is yours as individuals, ultimately as components within a whole {This is the Second Coming of Christ - Planetary Wide - From Within Ourselves !!!}. How will you choose to align yourselves ? It is extremely important that you listen to the inner most recessed regions of yourselves. This is what was once removed from the functioning parameters of your humanity. It is our honor to introduce your species to the reality of our Existence, the 'Guardian Alliance'. This Sacred Teaching is our gift to you, Friends. The Diamond Light Body is the form all souls incarnated inside 3-dimensional human physiological transport vehicles embody beyond this life on planet earth. With this level self integration achieved and the Infinite Potential of Unlimited boundarylessness and TRUTH, 'We' hereby strengthen 'OuR' intentions. We choose to embody our full potential within this Now Moment. The Circuit has been Complete. The Veil has dissolved, and the shroud of mystery has been clarified. Light speed is too slow for 'OuR' propulsion needs, crank up the juice as high as we all can handle oversouls; take us to GOD~SPEED & beyond !
"I exist as a shapeshifter, My SuperLuminal Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Field is in Alignment On All Levels within the 'Original Intended Blueprint' -12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix. I breath in synchronous rhythm with the Heart Beat Pulse of the Universal Life force and its inherent animating intelligence. The rotational antennae of my internal visual fields gyrospectrum lens scope will be completely unfolded. I give thanks to Mother Earth and Father Sun, and Recognize My Stellar Ancestral Heritage as a Humane Creation. I choose within myself to work towards the Full Embodyment of my total Inherent Divine Potential. I ask to receive a Dispensation from the Highest Levels of Creation and Being. Oversoul, Please Activate As Many Dormant Functioning Parameters within me that I have the capability to House within this 'Now Moment'. Lock this Activation into place within me as a feedback loop. As each now moment unfolds, I will achieve more harmonic and refined thought forming patterns. It is my intention to be of as much service to the Divine Plan for Earth as is Possible within the defined boundaries of my current level of embodyment. I seek to utilize the entirety of the full potential I am designed to house, and anchor it into my heart ! "
The 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Cosmic Mandala represents 'Our' faith in the human species. It is our gift to you at these times, we must also stress the importance of Clarity and Discernment as the illusory veils completely dissolve. It is our sincerest desire, and the objective of our decision to become involved in your growth process at this juncture in time; to insure your birthing process unfolds smoothly and in a timely fashion. Your species still has many significant and world shifting obstacles to overcome within the approaching very near future. You shall overcome the karmic imbalance within your ancestral selves, make the correct decisions, and fully embody the Supreme Being whose image is being created within 'You'. Also whose imagination you were created within. As this occurrence is experienced new worlds will be created. The Times you are within are both urgent and crucial that the utmost scrutiny as well as the clear light of Discernment be Utilized. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing, anyone to point the finger at another is just as guilty; though. We insure you that the overall extraterrestrial presence upon this planet, although only faintly apparent; is for the most part serving a very benevolent and uplifting purpose. This is not a test. This is no joke. This is for real. This is the chance your species has been waiting for, the dimensional-vortex only opens up cyclically; either the entire humanity steps through the Star-Gateway and interfaces or none of us do ! Thankyou So Much For Your Participation in Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012's One Year Anniversary Celebration and Anchoring of the 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix. Many Blessings to Each and Every Single One of You. This is just the beginning of what shall become an extremely exciting process for all of Humanity. We look forward to being able to assist you in this process as time progresses forward. We are willing to open negotiations through our various Earth Based Representatives, your World Governments can not deny or ignore the truth any longer. Your species is in dire need of coming to its senses very quickly. The restructuralization of your entire developed level of civilization is an integral component to your species continued survival. The Direction Your Species Must Head Has Been Revealed !! {EnD TranZMissioN}
"We Give Permission, Our Collective Soul Contract"
12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Imprint Anchored ~ Overlaid/Woven Inside Flower of Life Pattern - Human Being Fully Activated - Heart in Alignment with Higher Mind and Oversoul
Allegiance Is Pledged to the Universal Life Force, the Omni~Dimensional Continuum of Being, and the Organizational Intelligence Through Which ALL is Created. In Order to Form a More Perfectly Integrated Union of Mind, Body and Soul; Into a Woven Tapestry of Brilliance

Acknowledgment That Third Dimensional Perceptions of Duality are Illusory Veils Designed to Create Transcendent Growth on ALL Levels Acceptance That Individual Perceptions and Sense of Knowing are What Mold Ones' Connection to and Within the Larger Organizational Intelligence; at Whatever Level Within Oneself is Maintainable

Acceptance that one's developed level of self mastery is how one can measure the process occurring within

In truth there is only one self, center, sphere, endlessly oscillating, backward spinning throughout space and beyond time - knowing no boundaries

Patterning more complex information encoded into our deoxy-ribo nucleic acid structure

Visualizing 12 dna strands restructuralizing and reweaving oneself into the hyper-spatial dimensional regions of soul, and awakening the original intended blueprint of the human species In truth each individualized being is a self contained trans-linguistic sphere of pure omnidimensional luminescence

Through holographic imaging acknowledgment and integration of the deep awareness contained within the light languages of the solar tongue is possible

Requesting full access to the encoded patternings contained within the sacred geometries and key codes for unlocking the full potential of being

Requesting presence of our omni-dimensional future selves

Permission has been given to speed up multi-cellular regeneration through absorption of neutral particles, electro-chemical resonance is achievable

Permission for the deoxy-ribo nucleic acid structure to be rewoven into twelve strands is given

All neurological synaptic signal processing capabilities, and dual hemispheric alignment with one another and within the larger pattern of immortality

Divine alignment will be achieved

All pre-existing dysfunctional circuitry is erased

Electromagnetic fields are functioning perfectly

All beings will be allowed to function at the highest frequency Their current integrity can maintain

We are in essence bio-electromagnetic neurophysiological molecular quantum physical supercomputers controllable through ano-chemistry

With these as our focal points and complete intention to fulfill our multi-incarnational soul contracts

We Recognize our purpose, choose to embody our full potential and will strategically co-ordinate our activities to achieve shifts in both planetary consciousness & the structures of our entire developed level of civilization.
Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 Shall Become Manifested

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All 12 DnA Strand Heart Soul Star Matrix Imprint Visual Graphics are Trademark TM Unlimited Envisions | Neo-Civilization: 2012 - NO USE PERMITTED !
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