The Infinite & Eternal Wisdom of The Ages Revealed
The Whole Scenario....

I bring this message on behalf of the Council of Elders upon the Higher Dimensional Planes. Through the mystery school teachings of Enoch, Melchizadek, Osiris, Thoth, Ra and The Father Ptah's...In Honor and High Regard for the Elder Creator Level Beings Which Exist; Overseeing The Regulation of Planetary Homeworlds Like The One We Reside Upon...At this moment right now today within Our collective psyches and internal conceptualizations of the reality we have held onto for so long, a tremendous shapeshifting force is underway. The form or tendency within life and creation is to move towards a point of integration and completion which is maintained at a deeper and more cohesive level of alignment...This is what is truly underway within each and every single one of you...leaning towards resonance.

We are quite aware that there are sacred teachings regarding a greater relationship to the whole creation which has lain hidden to oour mortal eyes for aeons. Now is the time for us to completely accept and understand who we are in relationship to our own beings, our fellow human, this civilization we have created and ultimately Our Homeworld Mother Earth, and this Star System...Our rightful role within creation as a highly evolved, intelligent, sentient of living forces and aware species. It is time for each and every single human to assume their rightful role upon this world, we who are awakening. This is the only way that the human species will be able to avert catastrophic obliteration of that which we have developed up until this point. This potential truly does exist as a probability. If we really take into consideration the state of affairs upon this world; on all levels {Politically, Socially, Economically, Resource Management Wise, Militarily, Scientifically, Religiously, Waste Management/Pollution, Our educational systems & Governmental Structures, Transportation Systems}. If we look with our clear eyes at all levels of the Civilization we have created up until this point in time, things will no longer work the way that they were designed...

Or the designs that we work with and within are going to have to become a little bit more sophisticated. If we are going to overcome the challenging obstacles we all face in our individual lives; and also that our world leaders and this species within itself must shortly work through. We must operate in an orchestrated co-ordinated effort with a Global Stragecially Implemented Divine Plan....or that which has the potential to manifest shall not be averted {catastophic obliteration & destruction of our developed level of civilization}....This is what all of our prophets and seers have spoken to us about regarding the times we are within right now...We realize that every single one of Our masters that have ever walked upon this world have been initiated into the Wisdom Underlying All Perspectives of Truth..The Seed Kernal of Divine Spark Within every Angle.....

The DiamondLight Crystalline Core

We wish for each one of you to receive within yourself this divine spark from the oversoul of the human species and the planetary gaiian consciousness...Essentially Anchor The Christ Consciousness Grid, Scehmatic Model & Master-Key Template of Divinity...Awaken to the Highly Advanced Circuitry we contain...

The Veils Have Been Erased

At this time we come to you to REVEAL all of the Sacred Teachings which have throughout the previous aeons and a majority of this greater orbital cycle of time been destroyed, misremembered, forgotten, kept secret, lost, ignored, and almost denied. This is now desperately needing to be re-awakened within US. This is what Entrance into the The 21st Century is about. It does not matter which calendar we use to measure the cycles of time, whether it be Mayan or Judeo Christian {Lunar, Solar or Galactic} It does not matter which cultures teachings, religious & spiritual visions or prophecies we listen to. Whether they be Hopi/Navajo, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Egyptian, Mayan/Tzolkin, Terrence Mckenna, Gregg Braden, Drunvalo Melchizadek, Amargi Hillier, Tom Kenyon, The I Ching & Our Genetic Design Code - The Infinite & Eternal Ancient Future Earth Star Wisdom of Omni-Dimensional Science & Spirituality is Being Revealed En Masse. Exit Time Phase Shift out of 1998 the year of the beast into 1999 Balance & Integration before first Global Time Shift with the Y2k Scenario {not only the artificial intelligence, but also putting the structures of our civilization into question on all levels}. Critical Mass is Underway. With Strategic Implementation of A Global Shematic Model Blueprint for a Sustainable Civilization for the 21st Century. Are You Ready for a shift into the next evolutionary phase of development of the human species. We must re-integrate ourselves & Co-Ordinate. Light Energy Healing and Transmission are Just The Beginning, A rapid upward shift in our advancement will be noticed very significantly in the upcoming months. It will incline even further as time progresses up until critical points where the human species has finally achieved resonance with the levels of vibration which we will be existing within. It is Natural.

It all points to right now Today, THIS MOMENT. What the Ancestors have to reveal to us is beyond our wildest dreams, and the limitation based rigid cognitive & perceptual frameworks we have used up until this point. For before this point we were not yet ready to totally comprehend and integrate this TRUTH. The Strategic Implementation of the Divine Plan upon This World Is Underway. Get ready for the shapeshifting of all that we have previously conceived of as being real or existing. OUR TRUE POTENTIAL. All of our concepts of GOD, Creation, Human Beings, Evolution, Genetics, Astronomy, Archaeology, Astrophysics, Neuro-physiology, and This Earth as a Seeded Planetary Home World We Reside Upon. This is The awakening into the true potential of who we are. Look around yourself in addition to within and throughout your being. Our BELOVED Human Species is alive upon a world with a very intricately interconnected web of living bio-systems....




We Must Understand that our Sciences, our Religions & our individual selves. Each one of these entities or energy constructs is a sense instrument for our unified consciousness mind energy field. It affects our individual selves, ourselves as groups..and within a larger segment & scope of the whole. We must integrate within ourselves and undertake our roles as caretaker upon this world. Our species is classified within the Galactic Federation of Star Systems and Civilized Worlds Holographic Supercomputers. What we wish to stress, is that you are all attempting to grasp and understand within is so close to your stretching reach. Right within our tendriling energy Sensing. We The Human Species Have a Very Very Great Responsibility, and we must ask ourselves and our world leaders : "Are we fullfilling our destiny?" The one the Founding Fathers of the United States Envisioned. With a New Order of the Ages {NOT a Global Police State}. Look on the Back of Our Dollar Bill, Here is Oour Mystery School Teaching Symbol {of Course}. The Founding Fathers of the United States were Freemasaons, Initiates into the Sacred Order This Truth Is Based Upon. Now it is time to take the original vision of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and bridge the gap with what this civilization has created up until this point & what this civilization was designed to do & become. Open ourselves back up into who we truly were and are. Initiating the New Order of The Ages. It all makes so much sense.

Back Side of Great Seal of The United States

Within US awakens the Crystalline Core with a Diamond Light Emanating Outward, from inside the Depths of Our Immortal Souls. The strength of our intuitive voice leading in guidance, through our higher minds and whole being selves. Synchronicities from around US in every direction until a new chorus is struck within the symphony of the masses consciousnesses mind energy field & thought forming procesess....

What is underway is nothing less than the complete and total transformation from the crysallyis of pysicalized matter into pure energy conscious beings. Humans from planet based egocentric points of view to Gaian {Earth}, Solar and Galactic consciousness based levels. Right now our species has the ability to take what we have created at this point and slightly alter many aspects of our individual lifestyles. There is a way to overcome the karmic imbalances and tendencies within our souls that only seek to destroy that which we inhabit. Healing what ails us is the destination which must be arrived at. This allowing us to completely shift the levels of our focuses, when we lock our hearts into place is when we can truly begin to tune into who we truly are...

This is the most important aspect of the entire process which is underway, the shift of the ages is in reality occurring within each individual. This is the most significant and important thing to take into consideration as each one of us maneuvers through our everyday lives. It truly works upon very simple principles which can be clearly understood with a very simple perceptual framework. One that begins to integrate the role of the observer into the formation of a reality construct or a world view. This is what the whole seperation from source and all of our misguided concepts regarding god is about. It took our quantum physicists to realize that we almost in essence create what we see, or that their is a co-participatory inter-relationship in between an observer and that which is being observed. This is in essence along the lines of the whole sequential process of thought formation ~ manifestation....{thoughts create reality..or our thinking alters the way we perceive reality} As we open up to deeper notions how creation and our beings operate A Truer Schematic Model or Blueprint is Revealed. Inside Each and Every Single Cell. The Nucleous Core of our Physiological Structures. The Master Genetic Design Code of Creation & Completion. The Woven Interface in between our Souls & DNA. The Awakening of our Beings Dormant potential and how we are truly designed to operate, in alignment on all levels within.

The only thing our perception affects is how we view ourselves, our fellow human beings and this world itself. Now what is being revealed to the masses through information being downstepped from higher spatial sources of insight, guidance & that there is a view beyond the world we have created that allows the fragmented pieces of our broken history to make almost total and complete sense...

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